
How the Lightning Process Steered Jodie Goss’ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Into Recovery

Jodie’s chronic health story began In early 2006, she came down with shingles and flu like symptoms. Having just accepted her dream job, she pushed through her sometimes-debilitating symptoms but although she hoped they would improve, they just got worse. After getting tested for every illness under the sun, she was eventually told she had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). The doctor said it could last for months or even years and that there was no cure or treatment and so was understandably devastated.

She went from doctor to doctor with slight improvement and was even told by one that ‘she would need to learn to live with it’; this was something she would not accept however, and she kept pushing on and looking for solutions.

Then one day, she read a newspaper article about someone who had fully recovered from CFS after taking the Lightning Process. and so she took a leap of faith and booked herself onto a course in January 2009.

And it was this course that changed her life forever.

Since doing the course she had run the London Marathon; got married; had and is raising 2 children, moved continents to start a new life in Los Angeles and retrained in an entirely new professional discipline as a Lightning Practice practitioner and so she now helps countless others recover from chronic illness


Jodie's Inspiring Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. Recovery Story


Jodie's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.) FULL RECOVERY Story!